The queryable chess puzzle database with over 2.8 million puzzles.

Create puzzle sheets for your chess students with ease by searching for puzzles based on 'theme' and 'difficultly' or the opening the puzzle occurred in.

Save results to pdf and pgn.

If you use a chess software to teach from a projector you'll love the ability to create pgn files with Puzzlebase. Upload pgn files to lichess studies to give students interactive puzzles or create printable worksheets in pdf format.

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Sign up for a free tier account to get started.

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New section: Beginners Puzzles

Beginner puzzles are aimed at younger players that are new to the game. Unlike other puzzles beginner puzzles allow you focus on specific peices such as:

This section also allows you to filter by the number of pieces that are in the puzzle. This is designed to allow the end user to focus on learning specific patterns with few pieces in the puzzle first before building up to finding the same idea on a board cluttered with numerious pieces. Options are: Sign in to see more.

How to use PuzzleBase

Step 1 - Sign up for a free tier account

Create a free tier account to sample PuzzleBase's features.

Step 2 - Choose 'Search by theme' or 'Search by opening'

Once you've signed in the options to search the database will appear in the menu bar.

Step 3 (searching by theme) - Choose a puzzle theme and difficulty level

Choose a puzzle theme from the list below and a difficulty level from 1-9:

Levels are an indication of difficulty with 1 being the easiest and 9 being the most difficult. As a rough guide, level 1 aimed at people new to the game of chess while level 9 is for players that are above your average club player in strength.

Step 3 (searching by opening)

Sorted alphabetically by opening family, then opening variation

Please note the opening puzzles were not specifically selected as thematic opening puzzles and may or may not match the tactical themes of the opening. The puzzles are tactics that occurred in games where the selected opening was played. The database will return all puzzles where the selected opening was played as long as the puzzle position is in the opening or middlegame phase. The number of results vary based on how popular the opening is in our database.

Step 4 - Click the 'add to PDF' or 'add to PGN' buttons to create your file.

Simply press the add to PDF or PGN buttons to collate puzzles for your file. You can also click 'Add all to PDF' to add every puzzle on the page to your document. Note the 'add to PGN' option is only available to subscribers.

Step 5 - Click "Make PDF" or "Make PGN".

Note the Make PGN option is only available to subscribers

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